Sunday, September 27, 2015

Wadi Mujib, Food and Henna

Yesterday, we went to this really cool place called Wadi Mujib that is like the same thing as the Narrows. I've never been there but from the pictures it seems very similar. I also don't have a waterproof camera so I was unfortunately unable to take any pictures. But I did get this one from my roommate.

(C'est un maillot très pudique pas un vêtement de sport Maman)

 Um these may or may not be from random people whose pictures came up when I google searched the name of this place. So you will not see me in this picture.

 Or this one... but it really did look like this! 

And this is the Narrows in Utah... 

This was my breakfast yesterday. A mango, peach yogurt, 3 croquettes with apricot jam, a hot chocolate and some orange juice! 

For lunch, I made myself a salad and as I was cutting my red peppers the knife slipped and I cut myself :( 

 But my salad was delicious and so fresh and healthy so I think it was worth it :)

I didn't realize how much I missed my vinaigrette! I made this (in the honey jar) with the vinegar and oil in the picture and some Dijon mustard I bought from Carrefour. 

This was the second part of my lunch. More cut up vegetables and olives and kiri cheese wrapped in this whole wheat flat bread.

Then for dessert I had a little Danette :)

 For dinner, I had the same salad (I'm not going to get sick of it that fast) with chicken, peas and carrots, and these cheese samoussa things! 

 To top all of that off, I had a peach tisane with honey and a pomegranate. 

 This was my gratin de restes from last week that I ate Friday I think. Haha.

 I bought Sardines and I love them I had two cans today. I made a classmate eat some but he almost threw up so I felt kind of bad... but not really haha. 

 Kiri and Activia

 Oh and my room was clean for like the second time this whole trip today haha. I also woke up at six and did all the dishes and had breakfast before I started my homework but then I saw that the internet was not working so I went back to sleep and didn't wake up til 8:30.

I went to the salon today with Noelle and we got Henna done! It was kind of an accident but I love it so haha. Noelle had actually just complemented Sahar on her henna then she called the lady that did it and so the lady came and did ours :) I love the ladies at the Salon. They are so nice. She even offered us some Maamoul her aunt had made for the Eid (the holiday). 

This is what they look like:
  It's kind of like an almond cookie filled with date :) very yummy but kind of dry. That's why they're meant to be eaten with coffee but yeah...

 More pictures of our henna

I bought some la vache qui rit today and it made me happy :)

Oh and I just had to add this picture of my tisane tonight :) I boiled some mint leaves in water and added honey. Ok now I will do my homework for real now.

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