Saturday, September 12, 2015

MatHaf el Ordon

We went to the Jordan museum today. This are some of the first statues ever in the form of humans (kind of)

 plaster covered skulls they added features after the person was already half rotted

haha this made me laugh... bottom left says "Sandstorms in the desert are part of environmental conditions that Bedouins are accustomed to." no joke.

 The Jar Bearer... aka the pot head haha

 this kind of looks like something I might draw hehe

 very interesting really old arrows and pots and things

 and more pots

 I like this statue

 this guy just looks so sad!

 This is a cool mosaic

 Dead sea scrolls. I saw these in Utah so I didn't really have to travel 7,000 miles to see them but still cool.

These were also part of the dead sea scrolls but they were written on copper plates. It was kind of funny because afterwards Miles said "what? why would anyone write on metal plates?" haha 

Oh Amman 

 Back to Wust el-Balad! There are a ton of these little dress shops 

 We ate at the famous restaurant called Hashem that the king and queen ate at (See top picture)

And this was the food!

Then I did my grocery shopping, went home, did some homework, and then we went to Miles and Mikaela's apartment for a movie night. We watched Ocean's 11.

Anyways Goodbye:)

1 comment:

  1. Haha I totally fell for the Petra thing there for a minute. You guys are actually going there soon, though, aren't you?
