Thursday, September 3, 2015

I'm such a tourist

Bonjour tout le monde!
These are pictures from Monday, I think. The days of the week are all kind of a blur to me because we start on Sunday. 

This is a very yummy Yemeni restaurant we went to. I ordered this meat dish that we eat with the bread. No utensils! 

 After the restaurant, we went to the Jordanian University and stayed there for a bit but decided to go back to our apartment. We found a taxi but I didn't know the name of the road we live on so I said next to the blue mosque because there's a blue mosque close to where we live. But we were thinking of two different things and instead, he took us to this mosque downtown. Haha. I didn't regret it though it looked really cool from the outside though the main dome was under reconstruction.

 Right across the street from the mosque, there was this Orthodox Christian Church that we got to visit the inside. 

This is who I was with! Thanks for getting lost with me :)

 This is the inside-- really pretty

 Another shot from the outside

 Christian bell tower and Muslim Minaret-- same street


 This is the next day. Morgan and I went to Rainbow street and sorry the picture is not a very good one...

One of the view points 
Today: Americans at a Shawerma shop

Our group getting ready to find a taxi to take us to the Roman amphitheater

My two roommates and me in the taxi on our way to the amphitheater

Here we are!

Blake and Morgan

 Noelle, Seth, Mason, Morgan

 Ryan admiring a piece of rock haha

 That's me!

 Again, with two of my roommates :)

360° view = beautiful

Sage and the King

 These kids thought Americans were the coolest thing and wanted a billion pictures of them with us. They also kept calling me Shakira. Actually they kept talking about me and finally the guys just told them I was married and 21. Haha here's my ring:

 Miles and Mikaela 

 Haha this was another Arab family that wanted a picture with us.

 Our group!

 And here again... 

 Then we went to a restaurant ... Can't remember the name. This picture pretty much sums up ordering in Arabic.

Then we went to Rainbow street again and bought smoothies. 
